Configure sections common to Notary server and signer

The logging and bug reporting configuration options for both Notary server and Notary signer have the same keys and format. The following sections provide further detail.

For full specific configuration information, see the configuration files for the Notary server or signer.

logging section (optional)

The logging section sets the log level of the server. If it is not provided, the signer/server defaults to an ERROR logging level. However if an explicit value was provided, it must be a valid value.


"logging": {
  "level": "debug"

This entire section is optional. However, if you would like to specify a different log level, then you need the required parameters below to configure it.

Parameter Required Description
level yes One of "debug", "info", "warning", "error", "fatal", or "panic"

reporting section (optional)

The reporting section contains any configuration for useful for running the service, such as reporting errors. Currently, Notary only supports reporting errors to Bugsnag.

See bugsnag-go for more information about these configuration parameters.

"reporting": {
  "bugsnag": {
    "api_key": "c9d60ae4c7e70c4b6c4ebd3e8056d2b8",
    "release_stage": "production"

This entire section is optional. If you want to report errors to Bugsnag, then you need to include a bugsnag subsection, along with the required parameters below, to configure it.

Bugsnag reporting:

Parameter Required Description
api_key yes The BugSnag API key to use to report errors.
release_stage yes The current release stage, such as "production". You can use this value to filter errors in the Bugsnag dashboard.
docker, notary, notary-client, notary-server, notary server, notary-signer, notary signer